Posted April 9, 2020


Dear APA Students,

The APA Faculty knows nothing replaces the genuine human interactions that happen authentically in the classroom between students and teachers. We yearn for the days we sat together singing, dancing, acting, playing instruments, creating, rehearsing, and sharing our art form with others. That day will come again and APA will reopen strong!

As APA teachers, our intent is to continue to afford you with meaningful learning experiences in all APA classes. We have adopted the proposed HBHS schedule which will allow for dedicated class times in each department. It will also serve as a set day to turn in assignments. Your individual teachers will reach out to you with more details. Instruction may look different for different APA classes, however, all APA teachers will use Canvas or Google Classroom to deliver curriculum and may use announcements for weekly agendas, any daily announcements or answer questions. Some APA teachers may use their minutes to host a Google Hangout for their sections while others may choose to use recordings. Teachers will craft class time in a way that best serves their students and art form. Feel free to email your teachers at any time during the week.

Please know that we share in your disappointment that our on-campus productions have been canceled. All of the APA teachers and staff are working hard on developing new ways for you to experience APA while we are online and you are at home. The direction will come from your department teachers. We are doing everything we can amidst our ever-changing circumstances to maintain our APA community and a connection with our APA family.

For our APA Seniors, it goes without saying that we are all saddened that your traditional Senior activities won’t look like they should. With that said, we are exploring creative options and are committed to celebrating you in some way. We are so proud of you all and certainly aren’t ready to say goodbye.

Take care of yourself and be kind to each other!

Your Faculty,

Diane Makas, Tim Nelson, Robert Rotenberry, Joe Batte, Christina Perez, Gregg Gilboe, Mike Simmons, Danielle Collins, Andrea Taylor, Marie Hoffman, Christy Hernandez, and Brande Dunn

A Note from the APA Office:

The show must go on and so will the celebrations for the end of 2019-2020. We have extended the deadline for APA Letter and Honor Cord applications to April 15th. Students are to download their applications from our APA website: hbapa.org/am, fill them out and mail them in by the new deadline: April 15th.

Mail applications to:
1905 Main Street,
Huntington Beach, CA

IMPORTANT: If you did not submit your 2020-21 Parent Packet for Returning Students, please click on this link: tinyurl.com/APA-PACKET-20-21. We will get the packet to you, and you can mail it back in. We need this information immediately because we are scheduling courses for next year.

And finally, some really exciting news for SENIORS (because they really deserve that right now) is that we have several AMAZING Scholarships. Look for the announcement tomorrow. The applications will be due back on May 15th, 2020, so we encourage seniors to apply!

We miss you more than you know!


Stacy, Susan, Christina, Brandy, Joan & Nicole